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How we at Medos work

Our projects are always built on genuine dedication to our customers' products and operations. We accompany the innovation journey with flexibility and a long-term perspective.

We provide our customers with the confidence they need to pursue their ideas and the resources they need to focus on their goals.

Hur vi på Medos jobbar som konsulter inom medicinteknik

Agile methodology for medical technology

We work with short iterations, allowing you as the customer to continuously provide input while the software is developed and tested progressively. This agile approach operates within a development model structured into phases, with defined templates and methods ensuring that our work and the final product meet the requirements set by standards and regulations. The EN 62304 standard for lifecycle processes for medical device software is central to our work.

We also integrate all applicable requirements from standards related to risk management, usability, quality systems, and information security.

Knowledge and experience

Working as a business consultant and product developer in medical technology is not just about detailed knowledge of technology, laws, and regulations. Equally important is the experience required to understand industry practices. Experience also brings a valuable network of contacts within the industry.


One of the key benefits of hiring an external consultant is gaining an outside perspective. However, this requires the consultant to have excellent sensitivity and the ability to truly understand the client’s situation and needs. Therefore, we place great emphasis on building relationships and often work with small, quick changes.


Our clients hire us to make the right decisions in situations where everything needs to align perfectly. This could involve establishing a partnership, launching an innovation, or simplifying a quality system to enable business growth. We always strive to find simple and smart solutions, even when the problem is complex.


Over the years, we have learned that collaboration with others is key to solving complex challenges. We have a broad network of friends and industry colleagues both within and outside Sweden. Together, we can tackle almost any challenge.

Joy of creation

It is fantastic to work as an innovation-supporting consultant. We get to contribute to the development of new and often revolutionary products, and we encounter everyone from passionate pioneers to dynamic development teams. We share an interest in technology, the joy of creation, and the desire to shape the healthcare of tomorrow.


Everything we do is done with the utmost precision. It is fundamentally a matter of professional pride, but it is also about the added value we bring as consultants. When you bring in a specialist to solve a problem, you should not have to redo the work afterward.